Singer's Guitar
Main Screen
![main screen [main screen]](../mainscreen.jpg)
(1). title of song:
Title you have entered in Edit Song Screen.
(2). chord list:
Displays chord list entered in Edit Song Screen.
It shows chord for up to six in manual mode.
(3). Da Capo(D.C.) button:
Move to the beginning of the chord list.
In manual-mode, button for each chord.
(4). back button:
Step back on chord list.
In manual-mode, button for each chord.
(5). next butto:
Step forward on chord list.
In manual-mode, button for each chord.
(6). coda buttons:
Jump to chord with each Coda symbol specified in Chord Screen.
In manual-mode, button for each chord.
(7). strings:
In stroke-mode, swipe strings play sound, and you can mute the sound by tapping.
In arpeggio-mode, tap the string to play sound.
Represents the muted string that appears to translucent, it is no sound.
(8). settings button:
It will transition to Settings Screen.
(9). songbook button:
It will transition to Songbook Screen.
(10). help button:
This page you are looking at now is displayed.
(11). capotasto(capo):
Raising the pitch by a halfstep. You can change key easily.
0 is a state with no capo.
2 to increase the whole tone. If you set capo 2, play Am, you can get sound is Bm.
This feature will available to buy "Capotasto and Remove Ads".
In manual-mode, buttons will display the following.
![main screen [main screen]](../mainscreen2.jpg)
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