

What's New!

March 29, 2014 ver.2.1.1 released.


tabTimer is simple timer app.
You can use four timers at same time.
Each timer can be measured from 5 seconds to 3 hours, respectively.

tabTimer uses notification of Android when away from main screen on setting timer. But this notification will be canceled by device is rebooted. Please note.


    android.permission.VIBRATE: uses alarm in silent mode.

    Tested devices

    Galaxy Nexus(SC-04D) SAMSUNG [Android4.2.2]
    Nexus7(2012) ASUS [Android4.3]
    Nexus7(2013) ASUS [Android4.4.2]
    *This is not guarantee successful normal operation. Please note.

    Reported devices to work.

    under preparation.

    Release history

    March 29, 2014 ver.2.1.1 released.

    Fixed a bug about reset notification.
    March 28, 2014 ver.2.1.0 released.
    Fixed bug of about notification.
    February 25, 2014 ver.2.0.0 released.
    Changed UI.
    November 8, 2012 ver.1.0.2 released.
    Known bugs(BUG-TT-0002) is fixed.
    November 3, 2012 ver.1.0.1 released.
    Known bugs(BUG-TT-0001) is fixed.
    October 26, 2012 ver.1.0.0 released.

    Known bugs

    BUG-TT-0001: Sometimes when start the app, hands of clock is not displayed.

    Bug fixed version 1.0.1 is released.
    BUG-TT-0002: Cannot cancel timer after home button pressed.
    Bug fixed version 1.0.2 is released.

How to use tabTimer


Q. How to display "settings screen" ?

A. Please tap the center of the dial, or tap setting-time on bar.

*) A setiing screen can be displayed only while the timer is stopped.


Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy covers your use of this application.
This app does not collect, store, or share any personal information, or anything related to your device. We do not collect any statistics, trends, neither do we track user movements.
The app allows you to open web URLs from the application. The URLs might be saved by internet browsers on your device.
For information regarding the information stored by these application, please read the privacy policy of the internet browsers on your device.
If you like to contact me, please send mail to

to You.

Thank you for the purchase.
Please send us any comments, bug reports, English mistakes and suggestions.
When you contact me, please send mail to
In addition, you may not necessarily be able to answer to additional feedback from you. Your understanding is requested.

(c) 2012 All Rights Reserved.


Main Screen

[main screen]

(1). remaining time of a timer:

(2). timer dial:
If the tap center of this dial, it will change to settings screen.

(3). start/pause button:

(4). reset a timer button:
This button can be used only when the timer has stopped.

(5). hand of seconds:

(6). hand of time:
These display near time.

(7). setting time:
The time which you set up is displayed.
If the tap here, it will change to settings screen.

(8). help button:
This page you are looking at now is displayed.

(9). alarm:
Alarm can be stopped, if the tap of here is carried out while alarm is sounded.

[main screen(alarm)]
(c) 2012 All Rights Reserved.


Settings Screen

[settings screen]

(1). setting time:

(2). clear button:

(3). time buttons:
Set to timer.

(4). back button:
Back to main screen.
If when cleaed time("--:--") or pressed Back key, setting time is not changed.

(c) 2012 All Rights Reserved.